Christmas Charity Party!Shows | Classes | Great MusicAs per our yearly tradition, we are doing an event where you can help us to help others. This time we want to bring a moment of joy to kids and families living in Direct Provision, emergency accommodation and refugees around Dublin. Shows by:Infinity Salsa School TeamsJohely Guilarte TeamsLetticia Bachata Ladies Project Music by:DJ Ilario ⏰Schedule:7.30 pm to 8.30 | Salsa Class10.45 pm – Shows8.30 pm to 1.00 am | Social Dance €10 🎟️Ticket: bring a toy or pay €10 at the door (only cash)If you can make the party, but you want to donate, please contact us Parking: FREE Address: Leinster Cricket Club – Observatory Ln, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 WF96 Follow us on Instagram@infinitybailastudios